Saturday, September 09, 2006

Still without wireless

We still don't have wireless internet. It is as if NEC is afraid to move forward. I wonder what IT has to say about this. Everyone wants it. The technology is extremely available and practices and policies regarding the use of wireless is commonplace. It can't be a technicality. I don't even think it's money. That's too easy. There has to be something deeper like a tumor that's just making everything difficult.

What will it take to make NEC go forward? Is it really just money? Could it be the administration? Maybe it's just the it ain't broke so don't fix it retro mentality that pervades NEC.

Friday, September 08, 2006

What happened to the annual BBQ?

NECSA--NEC Student Association--doesn't exist this year (2006-07.) The proof: there was no annual welcome BBQ this year. To some that just means free food; to others, including myself, who have known NEC for a few years, this is yet another example of NEC at the service of the students. I should have saw it coming too--last year's end-of-school BBQ actually ran out of food after 30 minutes.

As for the non-existent NECSA, rumor has it that the student director stepped down from his position last year, he failed to notify the dean of students and other parties of NECSA's plan on the coming year. I wish I knew some more details.

You would think that NEC is doing well, especially with the captial campaign and good news in the press, but what kind of capital campaign deprives the students of social activites? NEC can't even get us burgers and dogs. At least we got an ice cream hour sponsored by Ben & Jerry's.